Systems Engineering
We support business transformation and modernization by assessing current operations to understand our client’s ability to meet their mission. We design solutions, analyze alternatives, and help our clients implement business processes and technical solutions to ensure immediate and long term needs are met.

We become an ally to our clients to understand their greatest strategic challenges and environmental pressures. By refocusing our client’s efforts around their mission, we provide new ways for our clients to meet, measure, communicate and continuously improve their business goals and objectives.

Small Business SDB Program.
SDB Competitive
Small Business Competitive
EGSA IT Schedule 70.
The Information Technology (IT) Schedule 70 was established by GSA to assist federal government agencies with their procurement of IT products, services, and solutions as needed to meet their agency IT missions.
With this Multiple Award Schedule that grants agencies direct access to the commercial experts who can thoroughly address the needs of the government IT community, Afilon is ready to provide IT services under the next Special Item Number (SIN):
- 132-51 Information Technology Services
Section 211 of the E-Government Act of 2002, authorized the Cooperative Purchasing Program which allows state and local government agencies to purchase many IT product and service items from Schedule 70. These cover most general purpose commercial IT equipment, software, and services.
Seaport-e Contract
In 2002, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) promulgated Seapower 21. Seapower 21 provides a framework to align, organize and integrate the U.S. Navy to meet the wide variety of challenges that lied ahead. The CNO called upon the entire Navy to find ways to become more efficient and effective. To meet Seapower 21 objectives and to increase efficiency, the NAVYSEA Warfare Centers established the Seaport Enhanced (Seaport-e) Multiple Award Contract (MAC) vehicle, using a web-based, e-business procurement portal, to facilitate performance-based service acquisition, leverage buying power, improve business intelligence and reduce cycle time.Afilon shall, in response to task orders under this contract by the Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Air Systems Command, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Naval Supply Systems Command, Military Sealift Command, Naval Facilities Command Strategic Systems Programs, Office of Naval Research, DTRA, and the US Marine Corps, provide services that potentially span the entire spectrum of mission areas supported by the activities and technical capabilities that comprise the various offices as well as provide professional support services to the overall Navy, DTRA, and Marine Corps organizations.
Team Members
Company (Click for Capabilities/Expertise) |
Home Page URL |
Business Size |
10-393-3453 |
LB |
965-518-983 |
No homepage |
SB |
602-035-727 |
LB |
Not available |
SB |
Task Orders
Solicitation Number |
Task Order Number |
Zone |
Set Aside |
Customer |
Awardee |
Award Date |
N00178-09-D-5721 |
2 |
Yes (8a) |
DoD Task Force for Business Stability Operations (TFBSO) |
Afilon (formerly Expertech Solutions) |
9/29/2010 |
Team Members Experience
Company |
Functional Area (FA) |
FA-1 |
Research and Development Support |
● |
● |
FA-2 |
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support |
● |
FA-3 |
Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support |
FA-4 |
Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support |
FA-5 |
System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support |
● |
FA-6 |
Software Engineering, Development, Programming and Network Support |
● |
FA-7 |
Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support |
FA-8 |
Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support |
● |
FA-9 |
System Safety Engineering Support |
● |
FA-10 |
Configuration Management (CM) Support |
FA-11 |
Quality Assurance (QA) Support |
● |
FA-12 |
IS/IA/IT - Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support |
● |
FA-13 |
Inactivation and Disposal Support |
FA-14 |
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support |
● |
FA-15 |
Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support |
● |
FA-16 |
Logistics Support |
● |
● |
FA-17 |
Supply and Provisioning Support |
● |
● |
FA-18 |
Training Support |
● |
FA-19 |
In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout Support |
● |
FA-20 |
Program Support |
● |
● |
● |
FA-21 |
Functional and Administrative Support |
● |
FA-22 |
Public Affairs and Multimedia Support |
● |
● |
Team Members Capabilities/Experience
BAE Systems Inc. (BAE)
Technical Capability: |
BAE Systems Support Solutions provides a wide range of services in engineering, systems integration, ship repair, and readiness & sustainment for military and commercial customers throughout the product lifecycle, anywhere around the world. |
Tasking (related to Afilon's Seaport Contract): |
Provide professional business analysis, advisory and assistance support services to the Department of Defense Task Force Business and Stability Operations (TFBSO) in Afghanistan |
Functional Area(s): |
Analysis of Business Management Processes–Provide analysis of contracting business management processes and conduct analysis of current CONUS -based information systems requirements for applicability to contingency operations. Assist in the assessment of commercial product applicability for world-wide contingency environment. Assist in matching U.S. Government requirements to commercially available technologies where practicable. |
Analysis of Economic and Business Processes - Provide advisory and assistance to the Task Force on economic development and business processes. Align subject matter experts (SMEs) with teams supporting industrial sector assessments. The SMEs, for short duration assignments, shall focus on specific industrial sectors within Iraq and Afghanistan and other countries worldwide as directed. |
Operational Development and Implementation Support for Business Processes and Services - provide development and implementation support to the following core activities: |
• Training Support (including development and utilization of curricula, equipment, facilities, and training materials) |
• Project and Site Management |
• Business Process Development. |
Analysis of Tribal, Cultural, and Sectarian Issues Impacting Business Relationships support the Task Force in conducting operational analyses of business entities in Iraq and Afghanistan, and other worldwide countries as directed. The analyses shall include assessments of cultural and historical significance of selected business enterprises as well as the tribal, cultural and sectarian influences of the entities’ leaders and participants. The information provided in assessments will assist the Task Force in understanding business relationships of the past and how they might impact future Government and private sector ventures and demand. |
POC: |
Andy Kimbrough |
email: |
Andrew.kimbrough@baesystems.com |
Team Members Capabilities/Experience
The Newcombe Group LLC (TNG)
Technical Capability: |
Provide strategic and operational advice in the areas of stabilization, state building, institution building, development, assessments of context, policy tools and responses. |
Tasking (related to Afilon Seaport Contract): |
Provide support in Economic Governance and marketing strategies in Afghanistan |
Functional Area: |
Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services |
POC: |
Mary Ellen Manfull |
email: |
mebrayton@gmail.com |
Team Members Capabilities/Experience
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Technical Capability: |
A bipartisan, non-profit in Washington, DC, CSIS provides strategic insights and policy solutions to decision-makers through research, analysis, and policy initiatives that anticipate change. The specific technical capabilities that CSIS scholars bring to this sub-contract include: |
· On-the-ground experience in and in-depth knowledge of Afghan and Iraqi reconstruction and stability operations; |
· Extensive practical experience with and in-depth knowledge of U.S. Government (particularly Department of Defense) contracting processes, Federal Acquisition Regulations, acquisition workforce training and employment, and contract evaluation; |
· Significant experience with data management, manipulation, and analysis; |
· Demonstrated ability to conduct financial, economic, political-economic, and socio-economic analyses; |
· Proven track record of successfully designing and implementing a study methodology that includes extensive literature reviews, development of survey instruments, and interviews with relevant U.S. Government, host-nation government, and businesspeople; and |
· Development of practical policy and process recommendations that have proven useful to clients, including the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations. |
Tasking (related to Afilon's Seaport Contract): |
CSIS is to provide an independent, outside assessment of the impact and effectiveness of Host-Nation First contracting policies in Afghanistan and Iraq. |
Functional Area(s): |
CSIS is an independent third party assessment team with vast experience in research and development in multiple domains. CSIS also has particularly relevant experience in conducting comprehensive research for, and providing practical recommendations to, the Department of Defense in general and the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations in particular. |
POC: |
Susan Myers |
email: |
smyers@csis.org |
Team Members Capabilities/Experience
Purple Strategies Inc. (PS)
Technical Capability: |
Purple Strategies technical capabilities blends the unique insights of a veteran, politically balanced communications team with a thorough and proven process to develop advocacy campaigns that meet short-term campaign goals and exceed long-term communications objectives. Purple Strategies takes into account operating environments, the political landscape, social trends and recent economic developments when developing strategic frameworks and advocacy campaigns. |
Tasking (related to Afilon Seaport Contract): |
Purple Strategies, as part of the Expertech Team, will deliver to the Task Force efficiently, effectively and comprehensive communications strategies that position the Task Force for short-term achievement and long-term sustainability. |
Purple Strategies technical capabilities blends the unique insights of a veteran, politically balanced communications team with a thorough and proven process to develop advocacy campaigns that meet short-term campaign goals and exceed long-term communications objectives. Purple Strategies takes into account operating environments, the political landscape, social trends and recent economic developments when developing strategic frameworks and advocacy campaigns. |
Functional Area: . |
Strategic Communications Support – Purple Strategies will directly support the Task Force mission by providing strategic communications personnel, including photography, public affairs, legislative, and media relations services. Purple strategies is providing a Media Relation Specialist |
POC: |
Kristen Morgante |
email: |
Kristen.morgante@purplestrategies.com |
Quality Management Approach
Expertech Solutions has adopted a quality assurance approach that integrates the quality control function into the overall project lifecycle, thus reducing expenditure, defects and deviations from the project’s original budget, schedule and plan. Since our quality assurance process is part of every project plan, it becomes the responsibility of all staff to support and promote the quality of the overall project and the specific deliverables.
Our quality assurance (QA) program provides opportunities to evaluate the progress of a project and to assess deliverables at relevant milestones. Thus, errors or non-compliance with requirements and standards can be discovered and addressed in a timely and effective manner. Post-implementation reviews confirm project success and the quality of project deliverables.
The integration of quality control into the overall project management provides ample benefits to our clients, as described in table below.
Challenges |
Our Approach |
Benefits |
Maintain a quality standard of excellence consistently across all projects and in alignment with client standards.
Expertech considers planning as a key element in the development of the project plan. Our planning integrates additional quality standards specified by the client into every project. |
Appropriate human resources, organizational structure, work and quality management processes, and calendar of deliverables to meet the quality standard of excellence. |
Assign and empower a central quality management authority for every project and all project deliverables. |
At Expertech, project quality responsibility rests with the Project Manager, whose performance is regularly reviewed by Expertech’s Director of Strategic Consulting. The director also offers key guidance and support to all Project Managers. |
Clear lines of authority and responsibility for quality assurance during all phases of project, and a single point of contact for clients. Contract specialist ensures that relevant contractual provisions are satisfactorily met. |
Imbue a quality standard of excellence to project staff. |
Expertech communicates explicit responsibility to support and meet performance expectations to all project staff. |
Involvement of all project staff in quality control processes ensures the achievement of quality standard of excellence. |
Establish a project calendar of scheduled reviews, reports and feedback and maintain open communications within the project for ad hoc troubleshooting and responses |
Expertech’s Project Manager (PM) will receive, prepare, review, deliver and archive periodic reports. The Project Manager will provide feedback, including substantive commentary, revisions, and corrections to activities. The PM will identify actionable items; and keep a calendar of check-off list of actionable items and corrections. The PM will work closely with client counterparts in this process. Additionally, the PM will participate in timely review meetings with Expertech’s Director of Strategic Consulting. |
Continuous quality management reduces overall project cost and risks, providing consistency throughout the project. It is particularly effective for early problem identification, resolution, and dissemination of lessons learned. Such quality control has the built-in flexibility to address unexpected issues as well as changes to project scope, staffing, assumptions and constraints. Our quality management approach affords transparency and accountability to the client. |
Quality Control Approach |
Expertech Solutions
20271 Goldenrod Lane, 2nd Floor
Germantown, MD 20876
301-515-2985 ext 146

Expertech Solutions
20271 Goldenrod Lane, 2nd Floor
Germantown, MD 20876
301-515-2985 ext 148

Consulting and Technical Services (CATS II)
The objective of this Master Contract, effective June 1, 2009 through May 31, 2014, is to enable State of Maryland government to procure IT consulting and technical services in a timely and economical manner. Through CATS II, the State will have a flexible means of obtaining information technology (IT) resources quickly, efficiently and cost effectively by issuing task orders specific to its needs.
Services to be provided under this contract are categorized into 6 functional areas as follows:
Functional Areas |
FA-2: Web and Internet Systems |
FA 5: Software Engineering |
FA7: Information System Security |
FA 9: IT and Telecommunications Financial and Auditing Consulting Services |
FA 10: IT Management Consulting Services |
FA 11: Business Process Consulting Services |
Keeping pace with emerging technologies to best serve our clients.
More data, more integration, more demands! Keeping up with the rapid pace of technology can be difficult. But it doesn’t have to be.
As a leader in technology, Afilon has helped organizations bring their technology up to date. People expect greater access, faster response times and instant feedback. We can help.
Afilon’s footprints can be found in assessments of Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) applications or the design and development of mobile applications. We implement solutions - from the simple to the complex - that are flexible and consider short-term needs and long-term requirements.
The Afilon Technology Lab (ATL) offers clients a central facility to oversee the selection of new tools and emerging technologies. The ATL provides economies of scale to test technologies in different environments.
Our teams of technologists have the ‘know how’ and experience to design, build and test prototypes and prepare products for integration. We create and inspect innovative products to meet stringent standards – ensuring that technologies meet client expectations and public demands.
The ATL also hosts Afilon sponsored research to solve critical problems for our clients, through our Innovations Group.